Monday, July 20, 2020


April 16, 2020

Yesterday was one month ago we stopped being able to assemble in church for worship. I have spent this month (that seems much longer, I might add) enjoying the new thing that God is doing with the Church. I am getting to hear lots of inspirational messages from pastors of my past and others doing live and recorded videos. I have also watched and listen with delight and criticism. It breaks my heart to see how some have decided to use this opportunity to focus on the crisis and miss the responsibility of lifting up The Lord God and Redeemer of the world!
I confess my critical spirit as I examine my own life before God. I have been self-focused instead of seeing MY opportunity to lift up Jesus Christ so that I could delight The Lord; help my Christian brothers and sisters to do the same; and tell those who don't know they have been redeemed from the penalty of sin and don't have to die and go to Hell, because Jesus has paid their debt and wants them to be free and receive life Forever with Him.
This is my first step of repentance and getting back on track walking in The Spirit of God and doing my part witnessing unto Him, teaching the Word of God and nurturing new Believers in the disciplines of the New Life in Christ.
I share my reflection source of when The Lord showed me the advantages of the computer and sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ in 2012 with my first blog post:

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