Saturday, February 22, 2014


I hope that you had time to read Ephesians 4~6, if not, any day will work.
These last 3 chapters paint boldly how we are to behave in The Spirit; what the Christian is to practice; what is our duty and behavior; and describes the visible church..

We need to study and pray and LET the Holy Spirit teach us how to live transformed lives - a daily process of going into the unknown with Him - where we've never been before!  How exciting!
 "You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; to be made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness." Ephesians 4:22-24

     Did you notice that chapter 4 shows the Church is a New Man and mentions spiritual gifts given by The Holy Spirit. He fits the gifts to our creative purpose and our Body part. Remember, gifts are given to strengthen and build up the Church/Body of Christ; they are not a personal possession to horde to self.
     Chapter 5 reveals The Church will be a Bride, The Bride of Christ. It shows the engagement, experience and expectation of Christ but illustrated in husbands & wives.      
     Chapter 6 shows the Church is a Soldier. The Christian Soldier is identified by their uniform, just like in the world. Notice the peculiar way that a Christian Solider is standing; standing firm armed with The Word of God!
     We are on the winning team - let's take our stand and defeat The Enemy and Praise our Lord!

I wish I could spend more time with you in sharing more of the insights The Holy Spirit revealed about Himself being active in us as we learned in our lengthy study, but I hope your interest is stirred and that you will continue studying God's Word, especially about the Holy Spirit.

Compare this letter of instruction with the early church's activities in Acts 2:42-46.

Next post:  An Example of a life that demonstrated being the Temple of The Holy Spirit

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