Sunday, September 24, 2017


December 5, 2015
AWESOME moment!  Revelation and profound understanding of ~


Thoughts provoked from study of Joseph in Genesis 41:38-40
“…can we find such a one as this, a man in whom the Spirit of God is?  …for as much as God has shown you all this, there is none so discreet and wise as you are.  You shall be over my house and…all my people.  Only in the throne will I be greater than you.”  ~Pharaoh

The Holy Spirit is GOD within us…with Jesus’ Promise“I will never leave you nor forsake you, so that, you can say ‘The Lord is my Helper’ I will not fear what man may do to me.”  Hebrews 13:5-6

My body is the Temple of The Holy Spirit – I am responsible for using what God has given to give Him glory.  
ExampleEverything in the Tabernacle and Temple was holy, set apart for God’s Glory.  It was made out of the best materials to provide an atmosphere of worship and prayer to God Almighty.
Illustration:  JOSEPH
EVERYTHING in Joseph’s life was for GOD…at all costs!  He simply trusted God and saw all situations as being from Him.  He acknowledged God in all situations and God directed His paths.  In every situation of injustice and unfairness, because of Joseph’s character and integrity, God favored him in the circumstances of his life: 
*Sold into slavery ending up in Potiphar’s house; he was favored because God blessed him and Potiphar saw that God was with him, and he gave Joseph control of all he owned.  Pursued by his wife, Joseph refused and ended up in prison.
*In prison the Chief Guard found favor in Joseph and put him in charge of the prison.  He used opportunity to glorify God with his gift of interpreting dreams, which lead him to Pharaoh.
*As a result of interpreting his dreams, Pharoah acknowledged that Joseph had the Spirit of God and found favor in giving Joseph control of his entire kingdom of Egypt with the exception of his throne.
We don’t see Joseph trying to get out of any of his situations;  he seemed to believe God was in EVERYTHING.
It would seem that back in his youth when he was favored by his father, Jacob, because of being the son of the wife he loved, and having two dreams:  one said he would rule over his brothers; and the second said his father, mother and brothers would bow down to him; that Joseph believed the dreams.  However, the brothers resented him for them and devised a way to get rid of him...from there we have the rest of the story.  It ended with Joseph telling his brothers that what they meant for evil, God meant for good…for this time, to preserve his family and make them into a nation.

EMMANUEL ~ GOD is with us! ~ The Holy Spirit of God promised by Jesus.
We are wrapped in His Presence-a Hug from God The Father;  a gift of Grace to give us power to Glorify GOD, The Father and Jesus Christ, His Son!  We are to be Holy as He is Holy – set apart only for His use (purpose; will). 
The Holy Spirit is given to help us to “work out our salvation” that God has placed within us. (Philippians 2:12)   He is our Companion/Confidant; Helper; Comforter; Teacher; Revealer of Truth; Guide; Power.  We MUST believe it is so and receive Him and release Him to do ALL He was given to do in us…which is to glorify The Son.  (John 16:7-15)

Our work (part) ~ Wrap each day with His Presence by:
      Acknowledging Him verbally
      Practicing His Presence – He is a Reality!
      Seek His plans from His Word – “He is the Way…He is the Life”
      Fellowship with Him in prayer – it should be a delight!
      Worship Him with praise – in words and song! 
      Love Him ~ by giving Him the very best
                         ~ by “loving one another” – we are His Body!

Lord, You have given me everything I need to be Your Temple, and I am responsible for using what You have given for the purpose of giving You glory – it is The Holy Spirit; He is given to us to give You back the Glory due to You.  “Whether we eat or drink or whatsoever we do, do ALL to the glory of God” for, “we can do nothing apart from Your Indwelling Presence ~ The Holy Spirit.  I am responsible for the activity of The Spirit by confidently trusting Him by working with Him and His plans.  You are the Life and You use mine to work with You! Be glorified!

Next post:  Baptized with The Holy Spirit and with Fire

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