Saturday, April 6, 2013


     Why this Blog?  
In October 2012 the Lord impressed upon me to do a Special Group on Facebook to come together to study God's Word, pray, ask questions, seek The Holy Spirit, strengthen, encourage, remember, fellowship and share things in common like those in Acts 2.

It did not turn out as I had hoped.  It seems that most people don't like to read the Scriptures and interact about it.  It seems that they like someone else to do the research and give them the results so that they can read...or not, and enjoy or put in their data bank.

I did do a lot of study and research; prayer and application, and The Lord impressed upon me that there may be some out there that would still benefit from this effort.  Thus, I decided to bring the study into a blog and let The Lord direct those as He chooses.  If you are one of those people, may you be blessed.

This was the introduction:
   Come together to study God's Word, pray, ask questions, seek The Holy Spirit, strengthen, encourage, remember, fellowship and share things in common like those in Acts 2.  
I look forward to Koinonia fellowship - that's fellow Christians in a ship steered by The Holy Spirit!  Looking forward with excitement.


I want to introduce you to a new word and give you an invitation.
The word is epignosis and it means experiential knowledge of God. 

The invitation is to be part of the Acts 2 Gathering Place and experience what it was like to gather in that upper room waiting for The Spirit of God to be poured out; to spend 10 days experiencing and celebrating Pentecost.

  Are you living prophecy? 
Have you experienced the Spirit of God
being poured out on you? 
Join me in looking at His Word; discussing and answering these questions. 

Next post is Going Into The Unknown...    

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