Saturday, April 6, 2013


To get us off on the right mindset of the 120 disciples according to Acts 1:15; 
"they all joined together constantly in prayer..."  
I would like to pray for us and ask you to pray for us, too.

Gracious Lord,
I praise You and thank You that in all Your Almightiness and Holiness
that you ordain for us to be holy. 
It is only possible because You made the way by paying our sin debt.
We are covered by Your blood and made a new creation in Your image.
So that we can experience this new life more fully and
know the fullness of being baptized in Your Spirit,
I thank you for prompting me to initiate this experiment.
I thank You for these You have brought together with excitement, curiosity and
sincere desire to know more about You, Your Word, Your Spirit and our relation.
We seek for You to do in us whatever You have planned just as you did with the original group of disciples that meet in that upper room in obedience
and waited for The Promise Jesus said The Father would send.
Do something so HUGE, Lord that there can be no explanation but…YOU!
 Something equivalent to what took place at Pentecost.
 May we experience true unity.
 I pray in the Gracious and Glorious Name of our Lord, Jesus.
Amen. ~Betty

Going into the unknown with great expectation of finding Glory.
"This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad..."
Leviticus 23:15-22 ~ How to calculate Pentecost.
Count from the day after the Sabbath (Resurrection Sunday) The first day would begin after 6 pm on the Sabbath then add 7 Sundays for 50 days.
7 Sabbaths - the morrow after (Sunday)
Jesus from Resurrection 40 days with His Disciples
Ascension on Wednesday and Pentecost 10 days later on Sunday.
Who were the about 120 disciples in the upper room waiting for the coming of the Holy Spirit?  What did they do for the 10 days they waited?  See next post on Preparation.

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