Saturday, April 6, 2013


Blessed Morning to you...
     Refreshed, energized and excited about Day 2 of examining and experiencing from Scripture what the 120 waiting for the coming of The Holy Spirit might have been doing.            
     Today my thoughts are focusing on The Last Supper/Passover meal with Jesus and the changes He made and the new commands and ordinances that He presented.
     Before I share my findings and impressions, how about some of you sharing what you observed and learned from reading Matthew 26.  I would add John 14 to follow Matthew 26.
     My 2nd thought focuses on Matthew 28.  Jesus spent 3 years teaching and demonstrating how to live life His way. He used His last month before fulfilling His Purpose preparing His disciples to be disciple makers and fueling their lives with insights into His Divinity and the Godhead so that they could have convincing evidence as witnesses unto Him.
     Notice in Matthew 28 the first person He commissioned...then listen to what we call The Great Commission in verses 18-20. These are precious and profound words because they were Basic Instruction Before Leaving Earth to those who were to carry on the work begun by Jesus. 
     Think about these things and tell me what you think. What were you expecting from a "gathering together"? I don't think those 120 sat and listened to Peter expound of his personal relationship with Jesus and give them an agenda of what they would discuss and do until the "Promise" came!  Hear ye! Hear ye! What say ye?

(Bread) Take and eat, 
this is My body broken for you...
(Wine) Drink, all of you, 
this is My blood of the covenant 
which is poured out for the forgiveness of sins.
      Well, I pray that everyone has had a glorious day in The Lord today. I have had a long and full day. As I worked, I continued to think on these things. As I mentioned, my focus today has been on The Lord's Supper/The Passover meal.  As they were observing Passover they were honoring the old covenant given by Moses to remember the bondage and the blood that saved them. Then Jesus took the symbols of the unleavened bread and wine of redemption and gave a new covenant and meaning to these symbols - His body and blood.  Now these symbols were to be eaten and drunk in remembrance of Him and His crucifixion that brought redemption from the bondage to sin.
     Jesus told them this BEFORE He was crucified, and I don't think it registered then. But now, I think they are remembering and partaking the bread and wine with new sorrow and celebration. We need to remember...
     I have learned a deeper intimate meaning that was probably understood by this group of Jews that we Gentiles wouldn't know. It has given observance of The Lord's Supper a whole new and exciting meaning for me.
     If we continue to John 14 and hear what Jesus says further after the meal we can see that the wine at the end of the supper meal was more than symbolizing redemption; it was also a symbol of proposal.     
     I want to give you the results of my study on the Jewish Bride & Groom. I'm not sure about converting it to this blog, but I will try because you will want to hear this wonderful news and insight into The Bride of Christ...

Do check back for this.   Next post:  The Messiah and The Jewish Wedding

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